Elaine Harootunian Reardon's quiet words speak to the immense longing for peace and place that resonates in every human heart. She reminds us through deftly, gently constructed verse that our lives are the continuum of the ones who brought us here, that this is who we are, and that we best go forward in recognition of the love, courage and devotion of those who went before.
From the inkwell of inspiration flows this cornucopia of creativity, written by the InkSplinters Writing Group. They are based in The Irish Writers Centre on Parnell Square. This is their fifth Anthology, it is a melange of Poetry, Memoir, Fiction and Fun. It should not be missed
From the wellspring of inspiration flows this cornucopia of creativity written by the InkSplinters writers group, based in the Irish Writers Centre on Parnell Square, the hub of new literary quarter of Dublin.
This is our second Anthology. It is a mélange memoir, poetry, fiction and fun.
It should not be missed.
A compilation of pieces written during the first three months of the Covid-19 Lockdown in Ireland with contributions from Brazil and The USA. The pieces do not, necessarily have a Covid-19 theme but were written at the height of the Pandemics early stages
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